Kenneth Baker
San Francisco Chronicle
Marina Benjamin
New Scientist
Lucy Ellmann
Time Out (London)
Charles Hagen
The New York Times
Kimberley Leston
The Face
San Francisco Chronicle
Marina Benjamin
New Scientist
Lucy Ellmann
Time Out (London)
Charles Hagen
The New York Times
Kimberley Leston
The Face
David Lillington
Time Out (London)
Cate McQuaid
Boston Globe
Larissa Niedzwiecka
Nigel Pollitt
City Limits (London)
Time Out (London)
Cate McQuaid
Boston Globe
Larissa Niedzwiecka
Nigel Pollitt
City Limits (London)
Chet Raymo
Boston Globe
Joanne Silver
Boston Herald
Emmanuel van Stein
Kölner Stadt Anzeiger
Michael Wenyon
Boston Globe
Joanne Silver
Boston Herald
Emmanuel van Stein
Kölner Stadt Anzeiger
Michael Wenyon
Articles & Reviews
Chiragdin, Neil, 'The art of science: picturing labs as palaces', Queens Chronicle , August 4
Meier, Allison, 'A Library Haunted by Hologram Books', Hyperallergic December 11
Pearlman, Ellen, ‘Analogue’s Last Gasp’, Hyperallergic , April 25
Gage, John. “Signs of Disharmony: Newton’s Opticks and the Artists.” Perspectives on Science 16, no. 4 (December 1, 2008): 360-377.
Baker, Kenneth, Manifold 'Sensations' From Earth to Moon, San Francisco Chronicle, Aug 5, p B1.
McQuaid, Cate, Digital Art Takes Wing, The Boston Globe 'Calendar', April 27, p13.
Silver, Joanne, Telescopes, the final frontier, The Boston Herald, March 31, pS8.
Giuliano, Charles, A lesson in techie art, Boston Citysearch (online magazine), March.
Heinemann, Lynn, Haystack Artists-in-Residence Show their Work, MIT Tech Talk, Feb 16.
Silver, Joanne, Artists celebrate weird science, Boston Herald, Visual Arts, Friday, Jan 14, p S10.
McQuaid, Cate, Bibliomancy: Holograms by Wenyon and Gamble, The Boston Globe, Apr 16, p E3.
Chet Raymo, Science Musings: make room for art amid the quarks, The Boston Globe, Oct 20, p CO8.
Macmillan, Duncan, Northern Lights (review), The Scotsman, Dec 30.
Fifield, George, The Ghost in The Machine, Art New England, Feb/March 45.
Temin, Christine, A concern with humanity unifies trio of shows at MIT, The Boston Sunday Globe, October 30, page B2.
Onorato, Ronald J, The Ghost in the Machine, VIEWS: The New England Journal of Art.
Donald, Ann, Shimmering Forms, The List (Scotland), 22 April - 5 May 1994, p64.
Gamble, Susan, and Wenyon, Michael, ‘3D Vision in Reminiscence and Record’, in Technoculture Matrix, First Edition (Tokyo: NTT Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994), pp. 180–181. (in japanese)
Mori, Shigeki, and Katsuhiro Yamaguchi, ‘Art Innovation by Media Expansion: Holography, 3D from 2D: Wenyon & Gamble [special feature edited by Shigeki Mori and Katsuhiro Yamaguchi]’, Bijutsu Techo, 1993, 24–25 (in japanese)
Lillington, David, Wenyon & Gamble, Time Out, June 30-July 7, p43.
Benjamin, Marina, Holography and the play of light, New Scientist, 19 June 1993, p41.
Courtney, Cathy, Artists' Books: Wenyon & Gamble, Art Monthly, 163, February, p28-29.
Wenyon & Gamble, The Form of the Invisible, lecture presented at the Third International Symposium on Electronic Art, Sydney, Australia, November 3-9, 1992.
Wenyon & Gamble, Volumes--holograms of books, Journal of the Institute of Art & Design of Tsukuba University, March, pp 31-38.
Gamble, Susan, Art & Technology in Japan, Art Monthly Australia, March, No. 47,pp 10-11.
Saxby, Graham, Dimensional Ability, The British Journal of Photography, November 14.
Hagen, Charles, The Case for Holograms: The Defense Resumes, The New York Times, Nov 29, p C24.
van Peer, Door René, Grote verschillen in expositie Apollohuis, Eindhoven Dagblad, February 27.
Bianchi, Paolo, Wenyon & Gamble, Kunstlerpaare, Kunstforum International (Cologne) 106, p 200-2.
Wenyon & Gamble, 17th Century Optics in 20th Century Art, IS magazine (Tokyo) 49, p 75. (Japanese)
Wenyon & Gamble, 17th Century Optics in 20th Century Art, SPIE Proceedings Vol 1212, Practical Holography, Stephen Benton editor, Los Angeles.
Delfgaauw, Leo, Towards Instruction and Pleasure, Perspektief (Rotterdam) 37, p 13, 22 & 23.
Titterington, Chris, Where Art Meets Science, New Scientist 117 no. 1598, February 4, p 66-68 & 71. (issue features hologram on cover designed by Wenyon & Gamble)
Capucci, Pier Luigi, Linea Grafica (Milan), March.
Basham, Anna, Holograms by Wenyon & Gamble, Arts Review 39 no. 7 (April 10).
Prochak, Michael, The Days of Miracle and Wonder, The Guardian, Computer Guardian, Thursday, Nov 12, p 17.
Yamaguchi, Katsuhiro, Illuminated Art--from Candle to Laser, Ikebana Sogetsu (Tokyo) No. 170, p79. (in Japanese)
Leston, Kimberley, Laser Days, The Face, 'Intro' section, September p28.
Pollitt, Nigel, Beam of Love, City Limits, October 4.
Tait, Anna, Exposure, British Journal of Photography 132 No 6532 (Oct 11), p 1148-1149 & cover.
Saxby, Graham, Wenyon & Gamble, New Holograms, British Journal of Photography, Sept 7.
Kinmouth, Patrick, reproduction and caption, Vogue (London), October, p 22.
Hughes, Mike, Resuscitating a young art, Arts Yorkshire, December/January.
van Stein, Emmanuel, Hintergründiger Witz, review, Köln Stadt-Anzeiger, December 21.
Keers, Paul, ‘Artbeat, Images’, Cosmopolitan (London), 1983, p. 14
Saxby, Graham, ‘The Holography Show, Wolverhampton Art Gallery (’Viewed’ Section Review)’, The British Journal of Photography, June 10, 1983, p. 601
McManus, Irene, The Holography Show, The Guardian, June 1.
Fallon, Brian, Modern Art in Kilkenny, The Irish Times, September 2.
Kelly, Liam, Holograms at the Orchard Gallery, Derry,The Irish Times, October 20.
‘Holography Workshops’, The Guardian (London, January 1981), section Education Guardian, p. 12
Saxby, Graham, ‘Holography Workshop Goldsmiths’ College’, The British Journal of Photography, 1981, p. 1180
Hills, Ann, Holography course for artists, Arts Alert, The Greater London Arts Association, No. 13, Jul/Aug
Chiragdin, Neil, 'The art of science: picturing labs as palaces', Queens Chronicle , August 4
Meier, Allison, 'A Library Haunted by Hologram Books', Hyperallergic December 11
Pearlman, Ellen, ‘Analogue’s Last Gasp’, Hyperallergic , April 25
Gage, John. “Signs of Disharmony: Newton’s Opticks and the Artists.” Perspectives on Science 16, no. 4 (December 1, 2008): 360-377.
Baker, Kenneth, Manifold 'Sensations' From Earth to Moon, San Francisco Chronicle, Aug 5, p B1.
McQuaid, Cate, Digital Art Takes Wing, The Boston Globe 'Calendar', April 27, p13.
Silver, Joanne, Telescopes, the final frontier, The Boston Herald, March 31, pS8.
Giuliano, Charles, A lesson in techie art, Boston Citysearch (online magazine), March.
Heinemann, Lynn, Haystack Artists-in-Residence Show their Work, MIT Tech Talk, Feb 16.
Silver, Joanne, Artists celebrate weird science, Boston Herald, Visual Arts, Friday, Jan 14, p S10.
McQuaid, Cate, Bibliomancy: Holograms by Wenyon and Gamble, The Boston Globe, Apr 16, p E3.
Chet Raymo, Science Musings: make room for art amid the quarks, The Boston Globe, Oct 20, p CO8.
Macmillan, Duncan, Northern Lights (review), The Scotsman, Dec 30.
Fifield, George, The Ghost in The Machine, Art New England, Feb/March 45.
Temin, Christine, A concern with humanity unifies trio of shows at MIT, The Boston Sunday Globe, October 30, page B2.
Onorato, Ronald J, The Ghost in the Machine, VIEWS: The New England Journal of Art.
Donald, Ann, Shimmering Forms, The List (Scotland), 22 April - 5 May 1994, p64.
Gamble, Susan, and Wenyon, Michael, ‘3D Vision in Reminiscence and Record’, in Technoculture Matrix, First Edition (Tokyo: NTT Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994), pp. 180–181. (in japanese)
Mori, Shigeki, and Katsuhiro Yamaguchi, ‘Art Innovation by Media Expansion: Holography, 3D from 2D: Wenyon & Gamble [special feature edited by Shigeki Mori and Katsuhiro Yamaguchi]’, Bijutsu Techo, 1993, 24–25 (in japanese)
Lillington, David, Wenyon & Gamble, Time Out, June 30-July 7, p43.
Benjamin, Marina, Holography and the play of light, New Scientist, 19 June 1993, p41.
Courtney, Cathy, Artists' Books: Wenyon & Gamble, Art Monthly, 163, February, p28-29.
Wenyon & Gamble, The Form of the Invisible, lecture presented at the Third International Symposium on Electronic Art, Sydney, Australia, November 3-9, 1992.
Wenyon & Gamble, Volumes--holograms of books, Journal of the Institute of Art & Design of Tsukuba University, March, pp 31-38.
Gamble, Susan, Art & Technology in Japan, Art Monthly Australia, March, No. 47,pp 10-11.
Saxby, Graham, Dimensional Ability, The British Journal of Photography, November 14.
Hagen, Charles, The Case for Holograms: The Defense Resumes, The New York Times, Nov 29, p C24.
van Peer, Door René, Grote verschillen in expositie Apollohuis, Eindhoven Dagblad, February 27.
Bianchi, Paolo, Wenyon & Gamble, Kunstlerpaare, Kunstforum International (Cologne) 106, p 200-2.
Wenyon & Gamble, 17th Century Optics in 20th Century Art, IS magazine (Tokyo) 49, p 75. (Japanese)
Wenyon & Gamble, 17th Century Optics in 20th Century Art, SPIE Proceedings Vol 1212, Practical Holography, Stephen Benton editor, Los Angeles.
Delfgaauw, Leo, Towards Instruction and Pleasure, Perspektief (Rotterdam) 37, p 13, 22 & 23.
Titterington, Chris, Where Art Meets Science, New Scientist 117 no. 1598, February 4, p 66-68 & 71. (issue features hologram on cover designed by Wenyon & Gamble)
Capucci, Pier Luigi, Linea Grafica (Milan), March.
Basham, Anna, Holograms by Wenyon & Gamble, Arts Review 39 no. 7 (April 10).
Prochak, Michael, The Days of Miracle and Wonder, The Guardian, Computer Guardian, Thursday, Nov 12, p 17.
Yamaguchi, Katsuhiro, Illuminated Art--from Candle to Laser, Ikebana Sogetsu (Tokyo) No. 170, p79. (in Japanese)
Leston, Kimberley, Laser Days, The Face, 'Intro' section, September p28.
Pollitt, Nigel, Beam of Love, City Limits, October 4.
Tait, Anna, Exposure, British Journal of Photography 132 No 6532 (Oct 11), p 1148-1149 & cover.
Saxby, Graham, Wenyon & Gamble, New Holograms, British Journal of Photography, Sept 7.
Kinmouth, Patrick, reproduction and caption, Vogue (London), October, p 22.
Hughes, Mike, Resuscitating a young art, Arts Yorkshire, December/January.
van Stein, Emmanuel, Hintergründiger Witz, review, Köln Stadt-Anzeiger, December 21.
Keers, Paul, ‘Artbeat, Images’, Cosmopolitan (London), 1983, p. 14
Saxby, Graham, ‘The Holography Show, Wolverhampton Art Gallery (’Viewed’ Section Review)’, The British Journal of Photography, June 10, 1983, p. 601
McManus, Irene, The Holography Show, The Guardian, June 1.
Fallon, Brian, Modern Art in Kilkenny, The Irish Times, September 2.
Kelly, Liam, Holograms at the Orchard Gallery, Derry,The Irish Times, October 20.
‘Holography Workshops’, The Guardian (London, January 1981), section Education Guardian, p. 12
Saxby, Graham, ‘Holography Workshop Goldsmiths’ College’, The British Journal of Photography, 1981, p. 1180
Hills, Ann, Holography course for artists, Arts Alert, The Greater London Arts Association, No. 13, Jul/Aug