A Universe held up for Inspection
The exhibition at the Magnan Metz Gallery, New York, 2012
The Beauty of Diagrams: Newton's Prism
BBC 4 TV, 2010
Newton's experiment with the prism, holograms by Wenyon & Gamble
Newton's experiment with the prism, holograms by Wenyon & Gamble
Observing the Observers
Greater Boston Arts, WGBH, Channel 13 Boston, 2000
The artists' exhibition and residency at MIT's Haystack Radio Observatory
The artists' exhibition and residency at MIT's Haystack Radio Observatory
Wenyon & Gamble, 1998
The exhibition from the artists' residency at The Boston Athenaeum
The exhibition from the artists' residency at The Boston Athenaeum
Alter Image
Channel 4 (UK), After Image, 1987
Section on Wenyon & Gamble in this pioneering weekly arts magazine
Section on Wenyon & Gamble in this pioneering weekly arts magazine