A Universe held up for Inspection
19 03, 12, 17:24
Press Release for exhibition by Wenyon & Gamble at MagnanMetz Gallery, April, 20, 2012 Read More...
Steve Squyres talks about his portrait at the Natiional Portrait Gallery, Washington
30 09, 11, 23:59
Video recorded by the National Portrait Gallery on the occasion of Steve Squyres talking about the portrait we made of him.
'Opticks' holograms in BBC4's 'Beauty of Diagrams' [repeat broadcast]
22 03, 11, 18:00
Newton’s Rings and The Fringes of the Shadows of the Knives will appear in the episode about Newton’s Prisms on BBC4 at 8:30 PM on 4th April 2011 [repeat, first broadcast 2nd December]. Read More...
Mars scientist portrait at National Portrait Gallery, Washington
28 08, 10, 08:20
Our panoramic portrait Steve Squyres in his office at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2005, is featured in the exhibition Americans Now, at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute, until June 19th, 2011. Read More...